Wednesday, July 2, 2014

290. Neighbors (2014)

July 2, 2014

Not to be confused with the far superior 1981 film of the same name starring Dan Akroyd and John Belushi, 2014's 'Neighbors' stars Rose Byrne, Seth Rogen, and Zac Efron. It takes place in a quiet, middle class neighborhood, when a fraternity moves into a house next door to a young couple (Byrne and Rogen) and their new baby. Hoping for continued peace and quiet but not wanting to offend anyone, Rogen and Byrne try their best to politely tell the fraternity leader (Efron) to keep it down. It all goes south from there though, and the rest of the movie is basically an escalating battle between neighbors for status in the neighborhood. I laughed a couple times, so I guess it was effective as a comedy, but I would not call it a good movie, and I would probably not recommend it. I'm sure a lot of people would find it absolutely hilarious, I'm just not one of those people.

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