Sunday, July 6, 2014

298. The Fabulous Journey To The Center Of The Earth (aka Where Time Began) (1977)

July 6, 2014

Let me begin by saying 'The Fabulous Journey To The Center Of The Earth' is not the kind of movie you want to start when it's late and you're tired (unless you want to take a fabulous journey to sleep, and then it's perfect). Most people know the story by Jules Verne, or at least have heard of it. The title pretty much sums up the plot. There were some fun effects and terrible acting, which kept me entertained enough to see it through even though the movie itself was kind of boring. I think it may have been fun for a child to watch when it came out in the late 70's, but I don't think it holds up that well to watch today and I can't recommend it for anything more than a sleep aid.

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