Saturday, July 19, 2014

308. Uninvited (1988)

July 19, 2014

'Uninvited' was the first of a triple feature this evening with a large group of close friends that will be henceforth known as the Bad Movie Club. For our first Bad Movie Club bad movie night, I decided to make it cat themed (mostly) and start the evening with Greydon Clark's horrendous tale about a cat that somehow has a demonic-looking creature living inside of it that comes out and kills whoever it feels like (usually people who have wronged it or wronged someone who was nice to it). Meanwhile, some criminals with the potential to make loads of cash invite some young girls they've never met before to party on their boat ostensibly to have a good time but honestly to give the authorities the impression that they're just fun-loving guys and girls having a party on a boat while they sail off to wherever it was they were planning on going. Those authorities aren't in the movie, so that is an unnecessary detail (like everything else in the movie). Anyway, the girls invite some other guys they have also never met before and one of those guys brings along the weird cat he just found and they all get on a boat heading nowhere in particular with strangers and a wicked little cat creature. It was absolutely awful in such a good way. There were scenes that were clearly shot in someone's bathtub with black plastic trash bags lining the walls and a toy boat thrashing about in the water. Watching it with the Bad Movie Club was the only way to make a movie this terrible worth watching, and it was loads of fun. So I suggest getting a group of your friends together and forcing this film on them. If they still like you after it's over, you've got good friends.

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