Friday, July 18, 2014

307. Crocodile Dundee (1986)

July 18, 2014

When I was a kid I was mesmerized by 'Crocodile Dundee'. Maybe it was something about Paul Hogan's easy-going tough-guy act, or maybe it was the idea that an illegal crocodile poacher could be such a good guy, or maybe it was just that fresh 80's vibe we've all become so nostalgic for. I don't know. I do know that watching it today was still just as mesmerizing, although for slightly different reasons. I noticed things I had never noticed before, like how chauvinistic Mick Dundee is, and I could finally appreciate some of the jokes that didn't resonate with me as a child. When a reporter from New York travels to Australia to get an interview with Dundee, she is immediately enthralled by his way of life and follows him into the rugged outback where she inevitably falls in love with him and persuades him to come back to America with her. He does and is a stereotypical 'fish-out-of-water' character who doesn't know how to function in modern society, but he knows right from wrong, which makes him charming I suppose. I probably sound like I'm not a fan, but oddly enough and despite any flaws it may have, this movie is very endearing to me. I highly recommend watching it and even its two sequels.

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