Saturday, July 19, 2014

310. The Intruder (1986)

July 19, 2014

Last, but not least, the Indonesian rip-off of the Rambo franchise, 'The Intruder', served as our final bad movie of the evening. Fitting, because it was truly terrible. I'm not really sure what happened in this movie. People came and went with hardly any character development and I'm pretty sure some people who died came back later as different people. Most important though, is that the hero's name was John Rambu. Every time someone said the word Rambu we couldn't stop laughing. There was the part where Rambu's girlfriend gave him a red headband before he dove into the ocean, emerging to find his girlfriend killed by the bad guys who wanted Rambu dead and could have easily dispatched him then but chose to kill the girl instead. Then there was a scene where Rambu organized a bunch of people in Mr. Bean cars to drive around shooting at other people. There was also a scene where a couple bad guys beat Rambu to a pulp and left him lying on the ground clearly defeated as they ran away exclaiming they were going to kill him. There were so many incomprehensibly stupid scenes that I really don't know what was going on. Rambu just showed up and killed a bunch of people who were supposedly criminals and I guess he saved the day from something. This film was spectacularly bad and deservedly fits in anyone's bad movie night.

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