Wednesday, July 16, 2014

305. Muppets Most Wanted (2014)

July 16, 2014

'Muppets Most Wanted' was inexcusably awful. When the Muppets couldn't figure out what to do after the success of their first film, they decided to take their show on the road with the assistance of their dastardly new manager, Ricky Gervais. An evil frog that looked just like Kermit broke out of prison and took Kermit's place as leader of the Muppets, while Kermit was forced to serve time in a Siberian prison. Rife with unfunny moments, unnecessary celebrity cameos, and terrible CGI effects, 'Muppets Most Wanted' was an ignominious waste of time and something I feel Jim Henson would be ashamed of. The only remotely funny scenes featured Ty Burrell (but he is always funny). Don't watch this movie.

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