Sunday, July 20, 2014

311. The Breakfast Club (1985)

July 20, 2014

I'm going to make a couple admissions here that may surprise and upset some people: 1. I had previously never seen 'The Breakfast Club'. 2. I didn't like it. Now, maybe if I had seen it as a kid when something like Saturday school was relevant I would be more interested in it. Or, maybe I still would have thought it was extremely boring. I do enjoy some of the 80's 'brat pack' movies, like 'Weird Science', but 'The Breakfast Club' was so uninteresting that I just didn't care what happened (and I'm pretty sure nothing did happen). A handful of pretty white kids with problems find themselves holed up in a really nice library for detention one Saturday, and at the behest of the school's biggest social reject (Judd Nelson) they exchange stories about how awful they have it and smoke pot and try to make the most out of their predicament until they can go home. I know some people are going to hold it against me that I didn't enjoy this beloved 80's 'classic' but oh well. It was as entertaining to me as watching paint dry and not as rewarding, so I won't say I recommend this to anyone once they're past their angsty, teenage years.

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