Saturday, July 19, 2014

309. The Carrier (1988)

July 19, 2014

The second film of the Bad Movie Club's inaugural bad movie night was the AID's scare analogy, 'The Carrier'. In it, a small town turns against each other after a furry bear-like creature scratched a man, infecting him with some sort of deadly virus that caused everything he touched to become infected as well. Anytime anyone touched anything that had been infected by the carrier, the thing melted the person's body parts and eventually the whole person. The town broke into two warring factions, half of them wearing white or light colored fabric over their heads and arms and the other half wearing all black. Someone discovered that cats were able to sniff out the infected objects, so cats became the most precious commodity of which both sides were willing to kill for. I didn't think 'The Carrier' was actually a bad movie. Mostly it was just incredibly strange, and I liked it.

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