Friday, June 20, 2014

277. Dead Before Dawn (2012)

June 20, 2014

I'll admit I had some doubts about 'Dead Before Dawn' before I watched it, but it ended up being a decent movie. Honestly I just wanted to watch it because Christopher Lloyd was in it (even though he wasn't in it very much). Lloyd ran an antique shop filled with creepy old artifacts including a skull that held an ancient curse. After Lloyd's son was killed by the curse and his grandson saw it happen, the grandson swore to never again step foot in the building. One day Lloyd was given an award and needed the grandson to watch the shop for him. Reluctantly he did and as fate would have it things went wrong, as they do. The kid and his friends unwittingly unleashed the curse on their small town and had to figure out a way to stop it before dawn when the curse would become permanent. Like I said, it was pretty decent. It wasn't the best movie I've seen in a while, but it was far from the worst, and I'd recommend giving it a watch. I saw it on Netflix instant, so if you have Netflix you can watch it streaming, for now.

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