Sunday, June 1, 2014

250. A Field in England (2013)

June 1, 2014

A Field in England actually took place on a field in England. A war was raging on the other side of a tree line, and a handful of men who had either deserted or otherwise gotten separated from the war ended up on the field. An alchemist of some sort showed up and forced the men to help him find a treasure that was buried somewhere in the field. They found the treasure and then the alchemist tried to kill the men. I'm not entirely sure what else happened. Some men may or may not have died. Some of them may have been poisoned and then they hallucinated. A coward transformed into a braver man. I think I liked it, but I'm not entirely sure I understood it. So I'll leave it at that. Watch it if you're in the mood for something new and weird.

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