Sunday, June 1, 2014

252. Snowpiercer (2013)

June 1, 2014

Snowpiercer was an interesting concept. It was probably as good as a movie could be that takes place entirely on a train. Set sometime in the future, after climate change has turned the planet to ice and somehow people had the time and foresight to build a train track that circumnavigates the entire Earth and a massive train with the capacity for thousands of people, stores, swimming pools, and everything else you can imagine. The surviving humans were divided up into class systems, with the richest people up front with all the stores and pools and schools and other good stuff, and the poorest people in back where they were forced to eat processed bug cubes and live in squalor. Naturally, the poor try to rise up and push forward to the front of the train, meeting armies of soldiers with big guns and nasty assassins itching to kill all along the way. With a surprising cast including Chris Evans, Tilda Swinton, Octavia Spencer, Ed Harris, and John Hurt, Snowpiercer was definitely worth watching at least for curiosity's sake.

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