Sunday, June 1, 2014

253. The Hudsucker Proxy (1994)

June 1, 2014

I'm glad I finally watched The Hudsucker Proxy. My friend Joe practically forced me to watch it by repeatedly showing me a piece of paper with a circle on it and saying, "You know, for kids!" It was a Coen brothers movie, and their movies are always hit or miss for me. Fortunately, this one was a hit. It starred Tim Robbins as an idea man, fresh out of school, looking for a job. He landed one in the mail room of one of the largest manufacturing companies in the country. When the president of the company killed himself, the board members (including Paul Newman) devised a plan to hire an idiot to make the stock prices drop so they could buy them all up for cheap. Robbins was their idiot. They made him the new president and he immediately went to work on his idea, "You know, for kids!" Turns out the circle he drew for kids was actually a hula-hoop, and it created a sensation around the world, making him rich and famous. Unable to follow up his hula-hoop idea with anything of value, and with a nosy newspaper reporter breathing down his neck, Robbins considered following in his predecessor's footsteps by jumping off the building. With a little supernatural help he did not kill himself and he found the inspiration he needed to take back his job as the president and put the board members in their place. It was a lot of fun to watch, and I would definitely recommend it.

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