Friday, June 13, 2014

270. The Dead Are Alive (1972)

June 13, 2014

When you look at the poster art, and you read that title, 'The Dead Are Alive!', what immediately comes to mind? For me it was zombies. Or at least something undead. No dice here. 'The Dead Are Alive!' was essentially a really boring soap opera about some archaeologists digging up ruins in Italy and when people started turning up dead, some of them toyed with the idea that perhaps, along with the ruins they were digging up, they had dug up a curse and were being killed off because of it. Had that been the case, it may have made for a better film. Instead, the movie played out like a tedious and unimaginative Scooby-Doo episode with no real supernatural activity at all. Copies of this one are pretty rare, but even if you do track it down, save yourself the time and energy (unless you just want something to fall asleep to).

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