Saturday, June 7, 2014

260. Hard Ticket to Hawaii (1987)

June 7, 2014

Hard Ticket to Hawaii is an awful movie with awful acting, awful writing, awful everything, and I had a great time watching it. It is the complete package (it even has a terrible theme song where they keep repeating the name of the movie). The plot supposedly had something to do with the wrong snake being sent to Hawaii and then some ladies accidentally get mixed up in a diamond smuggling scheme when they intercept a toy helicopter that the bad guys were using to get the diamonds from their boat to the shore to the other bad guys. The real plot, in my opinion, was to cram as many dumb ideas and as much bad acting as possible into one horrible movie. It was a success! There was even a cameo by director Andy Sidaris, who proved to be even more incompetent as an actor than he was as a director. This movie had too many hilariously bad scenes to even bother trying to talk about them. I just suggest you go watch this movie. It is cheap and easy to track down as part of Sidaris' "Girls, Guns, and G-Strings" 12 movie collection, and force yourself to watch it.

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