Wednesday, June 4, 2014

257. Super (2010)

June 4, 2014

Super was excellent! I believe my opinion on Ellen Page has now been completely turned around because she was so good in this movie. Rainn Wilson played a simple man in love with his wife, Liv Tyler. Tyler was a drug addict who left him for her dealer, Kevin Bacon. Understandably disturbed, Wilson found comfort in a Christian superhero TV show starring Nathan Fillion as the Holy Avenger and took it as a sign from god that he needed to become a superhero to fight crime and get his wife back. Page played a comic store clerk who eventually teamed up with Wilson and helped him tell crime to "Shut up!" It was pretty violent in some places, and very entertaining throughout. I would highly recommend it. For another good ordinary-guy-turned-sort-of-superhero, check out Special with Michael Rapaport.

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