Wednesday, June 4, 2014

258. Cottage Country (2013)

June 4, 2014

Clearly trying to cash in on the awesomeness of Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil, Cottage Country stars Tyler Labine in another cabin out in the woods. Only this time, it wasn't so great... This time he was with his girlfriend/soon-to-be-fiancee. The plan was to have a romantic getaway at his parent's cabin that would culminate with him proposing. Instead, his deadbeat brother showed up with his girlfriend and the four of them just fought until Labine accidentally killed him. Not wanting to cancel their plans, Labine's new fiancee helped him dispose of the body and kill the girlfriend and dispose of her too. Then, unbeknownst to the happy, murderous couple, Labine's brother's friends showed up for a party they had planned and were concerned when the hosts weren't there. One guy in particular was a little too concerned, to the point of being annoying, and then the cops got involved and the party-goers had to search for the bodies and other stuff happened but it was all really stupid. Tyler Labine was pretty good, as usual, but everyone else annoyed me.

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