Friday, June 6, 2014

259. Slithis (aka Spawn of the Slithis) (1978)

June 6, 2014

I'm a sucker for clever movie marketing and gimmicks, so it makes me happy to know that when Slithis was released in theaters they handed out "Slithis Survival Kits" (folded up pieces of pink cardstock) that encouraged people to join the Slithis fan club and promised to keep people safe from the Slithis monster if they slept with the kit under their pillow. Local schools and theaters even had surprise visits from the Slithis monster! For a monster movie made on a shoestring budget, they really went all out and at least had some fun with it. Unfortunately that is about all Slithis has in its favor. The Slithis monster - a genetic mutation caused by nuclear waste accidentally being leaked into a water supply - was pretty cool looking whenever it was on screen, but the movie was really boring. There was way too much talking about things that were so unimportant to the plot that I actually forgot what was going on at times (pretty sad when the entire plot is just some creature killing some animals and humans and then the humans trying to kill that creature). Yet despite its faults, I would still recommend Slithis over a lot of other movies simply for the encouraging feeling that comes from knowing everyone involved probably gave 110% to make this movie happen. It wasn't a run-of-the-mill Hollywood production, obviously. It was a no-budget monster movie made by people who clearly love monster movies, and that to me makes it worth watching.

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