Thursday, October 30, 2014

393. The Taking of Deborah Logan (2014)

October 30, 2014

I don't get scared that often, but 'The Taking of Deborah Logan' had me jumping. A friend of mine recommended it and said he had nightmares after watching it, and he doesn't scare easy either. It is about a crew of documentary filmmakers trying to make a senior thesis about Alzheimer's patients. They visit a woman named Deborah Logan who has the disease and follow her as she goes about her daily activities. Things begin to get strange when the woman starts to exhibit signs more similar to possession than Alzheimer's, and it is up to the crew and the woman's daughter to find out a way to save her. It was a really well made movie that deserves a bigger release. For now it is on Netflix, and I strongly recommend you check it out.

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