Saturday, October 25, 2014

385. The Cold Light of Day (2012)

October 25, 2014

Libby and I went up to my parents' house over the weekend and my dad had checked out a few movies from the library. 'The Cold Light of Day' was one of them. With Bruce Willis and Sigourney Weaver's faces on the cover, how could they go wrong? Well, they did. Willis and his family were out on a yacht where he and his son (Henry Cavill) argued about things that never came up again in the story. Cavill went for a swim and when he came back the family was gone. The local authorities seemed to be in on it and they tried to attack him. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, Willis attacked the cops holding his son, and they got away. Willis admitted to being some kind of special agent and said the people who kidnapped his family wanted some briefcase back and the CIA or whatever agency he was with wanted everyone associated with the briefcase dead. That was about as much as Willis was in the movie. My guess is they gave him a dollar amount and asked him how many minutes that would afford and he said five to ten. So Cavill had to try to rescue his family by stealing a briefcase from some corrupt lunatics and giving it to the Israelis. It was never clear who the good guys were, if there were any, and the contents of the briefcase were never disclosed. Poorly written and executed, 'The Cold Light of Day' is one I'm glad came from the library and we didn't actually pay money to see.

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