Sunday, October 19, 2014

380. Curse of the Blue Lights (1988)

October 19, 2014

'Curse of the Blue Lights' is another film I've been wanting to watch for years but hadn't got around to it until now. I actually picked up a bootleg DVD years ago when I couldn't find it available anywhere and it didn't have sound. Fortunately, Code Red DVD has done their usual magic and put out a very nice release for this low budget monster movie. Unfortunately, it was about as boring as watching paint dry. The effects were spectacular though. For as low as their budget must have been, they did a great job there. The acting was abysmal and the writing was painfully dull. Some kids go out to the Blue Lights, a popular make out destination, where they run into some other guys who they don't seem to like, but they quit making out so they can all hang out. Then they notice some strange activity down the hill and go to investigate, and they find a statue sticking out of the ground and a disc with strange writing carved on it. They leave to get a truck to pull the statue out but get stopped by the police. When they go back the statue is gone. Turns out some demons took it and now they need the disc to bring back some kind of monster thing. The kids meet a witch who brews up a potion to kill the demons, but they aren't quick enough. The demons summon an army of zombies to do their bidding and then the kids brawl the demons with swords and knives. It was definitely ambitious, and it felt a bit like a really good student film, but there were parts that were so tedious that I could have easily fallen asleep. If you want to see some great special effects in between quick naps, this is your movie. I don't know if the trailer is on YouTube, but here is the whole movie:

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