Thursday, October 16, 2014

378. Dead Shadows (2012)

October 16, 2014

During the opening credits of the French alien invasion thriller 'Dead Shadows', a dedication comes up that says, "To my father..." or something to that extent. Then in the first scene of the movie a dad slices his wife's face up in front of a young boy. I don't know if anyone else made that grisly connection, but I have to say that was an odd and most likely unintentional touch. After that, I'm not really sure what happened in this movie. The kid grew up and was still afraid of the dark, but for more legitimate reasons than most people have. A comet flew over Paris and a bunch of people started turning into aliens or zombies or something. It had really great special effects and is worth watching for that alone, but I honestly am not sure what was going on for most of this movie.

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