Wednesday, October 15, 2014

375. The Unseen (1980)

October 15, 2014

This movie was OK. It wasn't great, but it had some good moments. Three female reporters for a news station find their hotel reservation was lost and they don't have a room to stay in for some festival they were covering. A local museum owner allows them to stay at his house and they graciously accept. Unbeknownst to the girls, their host is a bit of a lunatic who slept with his sister and fathered a monster (Stephen Furst) who now lives in the basement and remains "unseen" for most of the movie. Overall, the movie felt a little on the long side. There were several scenes of people walking around a seemingly empty house, calling out to people who weren't there. They could have trimmed it down a bit and possibly had a much better movie. It was still good enough to watch though, and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a semi-obscure, early-80's horror film.

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