Thursday, October 9, 2014

369. The Love Butcher (1975)

October 9, 2014

Even though 'The Love Butcher' was awful in every sense of the word, I just can't help loving it. I guess it helps that I went into it expecting an awful movie, so I wasn't at all disappointed. After the deaths of several young women who coincidentally have the same gardener but nobody seems to notice, the police frantically yell at each other about how much they care about finding the facts. The gardener, Caleb, is a frail old man who wouldn't hurt a fly, but occasionally he becomes his alter ego, Lester, whose smooth talking and suavity make him able to sleep with (and kill) all the ladies. Caleb and Lester were played by Erik Stern, and to be honest, it was actually a really good performance. If you've watched and liked any of the other movies I've recommended that are so bad they're awesome, then you will like this one too. You'll have to go out of your way to get your hands on it, as the Code Red DVD is out of print and hard to find now, but I'd say it is totally worth it. Just feast your eyes on this:

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