Friday, August 29, 2014

339. Begin Again (2014)

August 29, 2014

It was date night and we had a free pass to see 'Begin Again', so my wife and I went to see it. It wasn't terrible. I'll admit, I'm not a big fan of Kiera Knightley. She has been in a couple movies that I thought were OK (like this one), but I just don't think she is very good. I do love Mark Ruffalo, though, and he is definitely what saved this movie. Ruffalo plays a record label executive who gets fired by his partner (Mos Def) and goes on to work on his own projects. He finds an aspiring artist in Knightley who, after a bad breakup with a pretentious pop singer, joins up with Ruffalo and creates an album based on the sounds of the city (meaning they recorded their songs outside in different places of the city with all the cars and people and other noises that accompany those places becoming part of the tracks). Much to the chagrin of Mos Def who found it in himself to hire Ruffalo back, the album was a huge success, but Knightley didn't want to be so pretentious, so she released her album free of charge online. It was an alright movie, but I doubt that I would ever watch it again.

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