Sunday, August 10, 2014

324. Mountaintop Motel Massacre (1986)

August 10, 2014

I've always been intrigued by the cover art of 'Mountaintop Motel Massacre'. The crazy old lady on the poster peaking out from behind the door with the bloody fingerprints has kept this movie on my radar for a long time, but for some reason I had never gotten around to watching it until now. Like most movies from the same time period, the poster was way cooler than the actual movie. That isn't to say I didn't enjoy it, because I did, I'm just saying it could have been a better movie. For starters, a motel in the middle of nowhere with no guests suddenly gets a coincidental surge of visitors to stay there right after the crazy lady who runs the place kills her daughter because she is involved in some Satanic worship stuff that she doesn't approve of. The old lady then has a kind of psychotic breakdown and tries to kill off her guests by placing various creatures (snakes, rodents, bugs, etc.) in the rooms via an underground tunnel below the motel that connects each room. The guests band together to try to stay alive, and eventually figure out the source of their problems and try to put a stop to it. It was an alright movie that could have benefited from a few changes in the script.

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