Friday, August 8, 2014

322. The Past Is A Grotesque Animal - A Film About of Montreal (2014)

August 8, 2014

When my friend Brett told me an of Montreal documentary was coming out soon I got really excited. My wife and I have seen them in concert five or six times, and they get better every time. Then when I found out the film was going to be released on Oscilloscope's label, I got even more excited because I'm in their "Circle of Trust" (you can be too, just click here), and it was destined for my DVD shelf before the street release date. Anyway, the documentary was good. It was a mixture of concert footage and front-man Kevin Barnes' self-destructive need to create art, which often alienated the people closest to him. As can often be the case when you get an up close and personal look at someone you've admired from a distance, I realized I preferred to see Barnes through the rose colored glasses and maybe I didn't need to see just how volatile he can be. That said, I did enjoy the film, and I recommend it to anyone who'd like to know more about the band. It does make me apprehensive to watch another documentary that is coming out soon - 'Mistaken for Strangers', a film about The National. Maybe I should just stick to the music.

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