Saturday, August 23, 2014

332. The Fisher King (1991)

August 23, 2014

It still doesn't seem real that Robin Williams is gone. He was one of the most talented and beloved actors of this or any generation and losing him was like losing a close friend. I couldn't bring myself to watch any of his movies until now (he passed on August 11), and Terry Gilliam's brilliant film, 'The Fisher King', seemed like a fitting film to watch under the circumstances. Williams plays a disturbed vagrant with delusions of a black knight chasing him on his quest to obtain the holy grail. Jeff Bridges plays a radio disc jockey who unintentionally advised a lunatic over the phone to gun down a bunch of people in an upscale restaurant. Plagued with guilt, Bridges quit his job and started working at a video rental store. One night after some heavy drinking, Bridges found himself contemplating suicide only to be attacked by some kids on the street. Williams came to his rescue and the two became inextricably linked when Bridges found out the reason for Williams' mental issues - his wife was one of those killed by the madman on the phone. Feeling responsible for getting Williams back to reality, Bridges did his best to help him, even going a little mad in the process. 'The Fisher King' is a classic that should be celebrated more than it is. I highly recommend it.

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