Saturday, August 16, 2014

326. Brainscan (1994)

August 16, 2014

Every once in a while, a movie comes along with the potential to blow your mind to tiny little pieces and then shatter those tiny little pieces into even smaller pieces. That movie, for me, was 'Brainscan'. For years I had gone under the assumption that I had already seen 'Brainscan', and I'm pretty sure I was confusing it with 'Evilspeak' for some reason (the two movies are nothing alike, aside from their respective titles being two words squeezed into one). Even certain scenes from 'Brainscan' were vaguely familiar, but I am positive that this was the first time I'd ever actually watched it in its entirety. Edward Furlong stars as a high school kid obsessed with all things horror who stumbles upon a new virtual reality computer game being advertised in a Fangoria magazine. When he gets the game and it gives him the realistic sensation of violently killing a random person and getting away with it, he thinks it is the greatest game ever created. That is, until he sees on the news that the person he killed in the game is dead in real life with the same gruesome details from the game. He tries to quit playing the game, but a trickster demon shows up and convinces him that the only way to make it all stop is by finishing the game. He does what the trickster says and continues to play the game for fear that everyone he loves is in danger if he doesn't, all while a detective (Frank Langella) gets closer and closer to solving the case and all while every minute he spends playing the game makes his life more miserable. The ending felt a little convenient and didn't really fit the overall tone of the rest of the movie, but it was still an awesome film that you should definitely check out.

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