Tuesday, August 19, 2014

327. Johnny Mnemonic (1995)

August 19, 2014

What an unbelievably stupid movie. I guess you could say it was an ambitious effort but that doesn't change the fact that it was just awful. Keanu Reeves starred as Johnny, a guy in the distant future of 2021 who could carry data in his head like a hard drive, only his hard drive had a maximum storage capacity of 160GB (which, if you don't know, isn't very much by today's standards - although it was in 1995). Anyway, he had to transport more data than he could fit in his head, so he lied and pretended he could carry more, knowing full well that could kill him. The Yakuza wanted the data from his head as well, so Johnny spent a lot of the movie running from them. It was worth it to see Dolph Lundgren as some kind of barbarian preacher, though.

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