Sunday, August 3, 2014

321. Jonah Hex (2010)

August 3, 2014

I avoided 'Jonah Hex' for as long as I could. I never heard a good review, and until recently I've tried to steer clear of Megan Fox movies. With that in mind, it wasn't really that awful. My guess is that my expectations were so low that it couldn't have disappointed me if it tried. Anyway, Josh Brolin plays the titular character, a Civil War soldier who refused to burn a hospital down and for some reason (I can't remember why), he had to kill his best friend who happened to be the son of the general who gave him the orders to burn down the hospital. That general (John Malkovich) took offense to being disobeyed and having his son killed, so naturally he burned Hex's house down with his wife and child still inside and made him watch. After being forced to watch his family brutally murdered, and facing his own near-death experience, Hex gained certain powers (including being able to touch a corpse and wake them up for a short time to get information out of them), and he went after Malkovich. The ensuing hunting and fighting scenes were far-fetched to say the least, but they were entertaining. I'd say give it a watch if you're interested in more obscure, gritty, fun comic book movies.

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