Tuesday, August 26, 2014

338. The Abomination (1986)

August 26, 2014

Another one of the Alamo Drafthouse's Video Vortex series, 'The Abomination' was worth every penny of the $1 price of admission. With my friends Joe, Jennifer, and Davis, we set out together to watch this long lost obscurity. I have to admit the main reason I wanted to see it was after reading Joseph Ziemba's hunt to find The Abomination on Bleeding Skull, and finding out that my life actually depended on seeing this film. The beginning of the movie shows all of the money shots from the rest of the movie as part of the main character's nightmare. Then the rest of the movie slowly explains the things you've already seen in agonizingly drawn-out scenes. After hanging on every word of a televangelist, a young man's mother spits up a tumor that grows and splits into more tumors that eventually take over the kitchen. The man gets infected and starts killing people to feed the tumor's need to devour flesh. That is basically the entire plot. It could have been a fun short film but they had to drag it out and show the same scenes over and over to make it a feature length film. There were several long scenes of cars driving and people running. I'm glad I got a chance to see it, but I don't think it would be worth recommending to anyone I know. In order to make this review longer, I'm going to employ some of the techniques I learned from watching 'The Abomination'. The beginning of the movie shows all of the money shots from the rest of the movie as part of the main character's nightmare. Then the rest of the movie slowly explains the things you've already seen in agonizingly drawn-out scenes. Is the movie over yet? NO! The beginning of the movie shows all of the money shots from the rest of the movie as part of the main character's nightmare. OK, for your sake I'll end it here. Nope, still going. After hanging on every word of a televangelist, a young man's mother spits up a tumor that grows and splits into more tumors that eventually take over the kitchen. End.

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