Sunday, May 25, 2014

244. The Painting (2011)

May 25, 2014

The Painting was just a random Netflix selection that my wife and I decided to watch instead of being productive, and it turned out to be a decent little film. It was a French film that was mostly animated but had some live action sequences. It was set in a world within an unfinished painting where some people were finished, some where half-finished, and some were just sketches. They had formed a class system among themselves that was based solely on how finished they were, and for the most part, the finished people were snobs who looked down on everyone below them. One of the finished people was in love with a half-finished person, and the two had to keep their relationship a secret. They set out on a quest to go find the painter and have him finish the painting and they ended up going in and out of several paintings and seeing all sorts of different people and situations. We liked it, and it was soothing enough to wake up to on a Saturday morning, so I'd recommend it.

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