Friday, May 9, 2014

220. Nail Gun Massacre (1985)

May 9, 2014

Nail Gun Massacre had one of the most annoying killers of all time. They shouldn't have spoken at all, yet in pretty much every scene they had some stupid line to get out. Maybe the problem was that without all the killer's dialogue they wouldn't have had enough to make a feature film. Regardless, I found them extremely annoying. The movie starts with a woman being raped by a construction crew. After that anyone who happens to work in construction is not safe from the garrulous, nail-gun wielding maniac. As the bodies piled up the killer found more and more ways to sneak in idiotic puns for nobody to hear but the audience (not sure if that was a conscious choice or if they even gave it any thought at all). The only way I could recommend this to anyone is if you've already seen all the other slasher movies and don't mind being bored for an hour and a half.

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