Wednesday, May 21, 2014

237. Ms. 45 (1981)

May 21, 2014

Zoe Lund, another talented young actress who tragically died far too young (she was only 37), starred as Thana in Abel Ferrara's classic Ms. 45, a mute young woman who gets brutally raped twice in one day and then goes on the warpath. She becomes a sort of vigilante even though her victims aren't necessarily bad people. She starts seeking out men to kill at random and dispatches them with her trusty .45, and she also had to dispose of the chopped up corpse of her second rapist before her nosy next door neighbor finds any body parts. Despite the fact that she carries out each arbitrary act of homicidal retribution with a frightening precision, I still felt for her character and didn't really care who she killed. I think at the point where she was raped twice in one day, she could have killed almost anyone and I would have been on her side.

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