Saturday, May 10, 2014

222. The Haunting of Helena (2012)

May 10, 2014

I thought The Haunting of Helena was pretty good. It was an interesting and somewhat refreshing new take on a ghost story, which can be difficult to find these days, as well as a creepy rendition of the tooth fairy story. Helena and her mother moved into an old apartment with a sordid past that involved a man ripping out his wife's teeth and killing her. When Helena lost a tooth, the ghost of the toothless woman gave her some old coins in exchange for the teeth, but also started making Helena do strange things. At the peak of the haunting, Helena's mother got them out of the house but the spirit followed them and they had to find the lady's teeth to hopefully put an end to the haunting. Sounds fairly straight-forward, but there were some interesting twists along the way as well as a surprising ending.

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