Monday, May 12, 2014

224. Winter's Tale (2014)

May 12, 2014

Based on its polished exterior, and the century spanning love story that may or may not have involved a flying horse and angels, Winter's Tale seemed, for all intents and purposes, to be a movie that I would never have enjoyed. However, I kinda liked it. It was a lot weirder than I would have imagined it to be from watching the trailers, and Russell Crowe's performance as a demon was pretty great. There was also a weird cameo from Will Smith as the devil, which was odd but entertaining. The whole movie felt like it should have been made with a smaller budget and lesser known talent and that may have made it a cult classic. It started with a burglar, Colin Ferrell, running from Crowe, finding the flying horse, and falling in love with a red haired girl who was dying. Ferrell thought it was supposed to be his miracle to save the girl, but it wasn't, and despite his efforts she still passed away. Then he sort of died and reappeared several decades later with no memory until a woman helped him figure out who he was and together they found out who he needed to save. I'm not doing it any justice describing it, so I'll just suggest you watch it and see what you think. It was pretty cheesy and definitely a date movie, but it was intriguing enough to finish.

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