Tuesday, September 30, 2014

360. The Man Who Collected Food (2010)

September 30, 2014

I can't remember what I expected from 'The Man Who Collected Food', but I have to say I had at least hoped it would be better. It was about a guy who, as the title suggests, collected food for a hobby. Obsessed with collecting all kinds of food and drinks and keeping the packages pristine, he found himself unable to actually eat real food, leading him to more cannibalistic tendencies. I think I would have preferred the movie to take itself a little more seriously, but it was unabashedly absurd, which made it seem like a joke that it desperately wanted to be in on but wasn't really that funny in the first place. Maybe I read into it more than I should have, but I also got the feeling that it was trying to say something about people who collect things in general. As someone who collects a lot of movies, I don't need anything in my collection pointing out how stupid it is to collect things. Then again, maybe that wasn't what it was trying to say at all. Whatever the case may be, 'The Man Who Collected Food' was not really a movie I would recommend.

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