Sunday, September 14, 2014

350. Curtains (1983)

September 14, 2014

The creepy poster art for 'Curtains' has been calling my name for years. I tried watching a grainy VHS rip on YouTube once, but couldn't get into it. Thanks to Synapse's fantastic new blu-ray release, I was able to watch 'Curtains' and actually see and hear what was going on. A woman who takes method acting to a new level has herself committed to a mental institution in order to prepare for a part in an upcoming play. The play's director helps her get into the asylum but never helps her get out. When she finally does get out and learns that the director is looking for a new, younger actress to play her part, she pays the casting call a surprise visit and soon people start dying. It was a very suspenseful slasher film that I'm happy to see get a new blu-ray release. You should check it out.

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