Wednesday, September 24, 2014

354. Night Train Murders (1975) aka Last Stop on the Night Train

September 24, 2014

I have to admit, for a film called 'Night Train Murders', I was expecting more murders, and I was expecting them to happen on a train (in its defense, it has a bunch of alternate titles - 'The New House on the Left', 'Second House on the Left', Don't Ride the Late Night Trains', 'Last Stop on the Night Train', 'Late Night Trains', 'Last House Part II', and 'Xmas Massacre' - which don't all necessarily have to do with trains, and point out that it is basically a ripoff of Wes Craven's 'The Last House on the Left'). That said, it was a pretty good film, with a lot of suspense and some genuinely disturbing situations. When two young girls take a train to Germany to visit one of their parents, they meet two deviants who boarded the train to abscond from a policeman. The girls help them avoid the ticket taker, but eventually get creeped out and try to get away from them. After a potential bomb scare, the girls switch trains to a seemingly empty train to finish their journey, and the criminals (as well as a strange and promiscuous woman who joins them) board the train as well. What follows is a claustrophobic and hopeless scene of torture in a train cabin, with devastating consequences. I feel like I've already said too much about the plot, and since it was a good movie I will suggest you watch it yourself because the conclusion is pretty fantastic.

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