Friday, September 26, 2014

356. The Battery (2012)

September 26, 2014

I really tried to like 'The Battery', but it was just so boring. It had good moments, and the main guy (Jeremy Gardner - who also wrote and directed) was a pretty good actor. The other guy (Adam Cronheim) was annoying and whiny, and made the movie feel longer than it needed to be. Essentially it was about two guys surviving after a zombie outbreak of some kind wiped out most of civilization. Most of the time they just wandered around, occasionally killing zombies, and occasionally finding food or shelter. When they find some other living people who seriously do not want to be found, things get more dangerous than ever before and the guys have to try to survive some more. It wasn't a bad movie, it just didn't have enough going for it to keep me that interested for an hour and a half. Apparently the budget was less than $10,000 though, which is pretty impressive. When a movie with big names and a decent budget tries to call itself independent, it should look at 'The Battery' and say, "Oh, that's how it's done." Honestly, if it hadn't been for Cronheim's character's incessant complaining, 'The Battery' could have been a lot more entertaining.

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