Monday, September 29, 2014

359. Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

September 29, 2014

As I've said before, Tom Cruise is awesome. I didn't hear a lot of people talk about 'Edge of Tomorrow' when it came out, which is a shame because it was spectacular. The special effects were great and the acting (including Cruise, Emily Blunt, Brendan Gleeson, Noah Taylor, and Bill Paxton) was fantastic. It did leave a lot more questions unanswered than it could actually answer, but it was still a lot of fun. Cruise starred as an officer stripped of his rank and thrown into a war nobody could win against an alien race with telekinetic powers. When he wound up with alien blood on his face, he found himself caught in a loop where every time he died he was sent back to where he was right before the war. Fortunately, he was able to retain the knowledge from previous cycles and build up his strength and intelligence to attempt to defeat the aliens. Picture 'Groundhog Day' meets 'Aliens' and you'll have a decent idea of the plot. I loved it, so I strongly recommend you see it.

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