Tuesday, September 2, 2014

341. Blood Creek (2009)

September 2, 2014

Joel Schumacher has made his fair share of duds in his career as a director, but 'Blood Creek' has got to be the worst. It has a small following of people who seem to think it was good, but I can't for the life of me figure out why. I was initially excited to see it because I wanted to see Michael Fassbender and Henry Cavill in a horror movie together. Unfortunately that excitement died pretty quickly. Fassbender plays a Nazi who visits a small farm and finds a stone wall covered with Nazi and occult symbols. He tricks the family into allowing him to do experiments there, which leads to the family becoming immortal as long as they provide Fassbender with human sacrifices. One of the attempted sacrifices was Cavill's brother and, upon his escape from the farm, he goes back and brings Cavill with him to kill the crazy farmers (unaware that Fassbender was the true evil on the farm). Together they fight to stop Fassbender and end the Nazi curse. Everything about this movie should have been better. I would recommend avoiding it.

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